Tag Archives: entertainment

Dr Who in dog form

Ok so not a dachshund but still worthy of a watch.

Corgi dresses up as all 13 Doctors in adorable Doctor Who clip







TV for dogs

DogTV cable channel launched in US to keep canines busy

A cable channel has been launched in the US that aims to keep dogs occupied when their owners are away.
DogTV is an eight-hour on-demand service that helps keep canines entertained, stimulated and relaxed, say its creators. Specially created music and muted colours were used to produce the programming, along with low and long shots aimed to replicate how dogs view the world…


Just watched an episode of the Swedish ‘Wallander’ series where the village idiot blows himself up along with a wire-haired dachshund called Gretel. Not fair – why did the dog have to get it?